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Counter terrorism: Morocco’s Multidimensional Approach Highlighted at UNSC


the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

New York (UN) - Morocco's approach in fighting against terrorism in its security, religious and socio-economic aspects, was highlighted Tuesday at the United Nations during a high-level meeting of the UN Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC).

The Moroccan approach was presented during a high-level meeting on "Countering incitement to terrorist acts motivated by extremism or intolerance: Morocco’s approach and experiences of other African states" which was marked by the presence of the members of the Security Council and other UN member states.

Speaking on this occasion, Moroccan Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs Ahmed Toufik underlined in his presentation Morocco’s "experience in fighting against terrorism" and the role of the institution of the "Commander of the faithful which cuts off the way to terrorism."

"Concerning the management of religious affairs, Morocco’s policy draws on the nature of the Moroccan regime itself which has been based, over ten centuries, on the fact that the Head of State, currently King Mohammed VI, derives legitimacy from his capacity as Commander of the Faithful," the minister stressed.

The institution of the Commander of the Faithful which is solely responsible for protecting religion and managing religious affairs along with the logic of allegiance leave no room for any political project based on religion, Toufik pointed out.

For his part, Mohamed Yassine Mansouri, the General Director of Studies and Documentation (DGED), reiterated Morocco’s full commitment to "any efforts for multilateral and bilateral cooperation" aimed at fighting against terrorism in all its forms in accordance with the clear-sighted vision of King Mohammed VI.

Highlighting the multidimensional approach of Morocco on counter-terrorism, Mansouri noted that this approach is not solely based on the security aspect, but goes beyond it to include a successful religious and spiritual strategy meant to promote an Islam version that extols the values of tolerance, otherness and moderation as well as a socio-economic aspect aimed at ensuring inclusive development which places the individual at the heart of all concerns.

The Moroccan official added that the terrorist attacks which targeted symbolic sites in Casablanca back in 2003 were taken as a "warning signal on the relationship between domestic and international terrorist network," noting that these attacks have also brought to light "the warlike intentions of Al Qaeda and its franchises towards the Kingdom, notably Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)."

Mansouri recalled that since 2005, Moroccan authorities have managed to dismantle numerous terrorist networks run by AQIM members based in the Sahel region, namely the groups of "Fath Al Andalous" (2008) and "Al Mourabitoune al Joudoud" (2009), noting that these rings included members of the Polisario front.

The terrorist threat coming from the Sahel and the Sahara region is today exacerbated by alliances between AQIM and the Polisario front, as well as other terrorist groups, including the Mujao, Boko Haram , Al Shabab Islami in Somalia and Ansar Acharia in Tunisia and Libya, Mansouri warned.

General Information about Diversity Visa Program


General Information about Diversity Visa Program

Rabat - Morocco World News plans to publish a series of articles about the DV Lottery program to highlight all the aspects that applicants and DV Lottery Visa winners should know. The articles will serve as a valuable reference to our audience who would like to know more about the process of immigrating to the United States through DV Lottery Visa program.

What Is the DV Program?

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DV), also known as the “Green Card Lottery” is a U.S. government-run program that offers up to 55,000 Diversity Visas (DVs) annually, free of charge, to eligible applicants from qualifying countries. Through a computerized drawing system, the Green Card Lottery program is run by the State Department and overseen by the Department of Homeland Security. The system picks applicants randomly from all entries and issues immigrant visas to individuals who meet strict, yet simple eligibility requirements. The DV Lottery targets countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States.

Since 1995, the Green Card DV Lottery program, a congressionally-mandated program, has intended to diversify the flow of immigrants entering the United States. While the program randomly picks applicants from countries with lower recent rates of immigration, it was envisioned to focus on African countries, Ireland, and some other Asian countries. Africans continue to make up the majority of the green card winners. According to U.S. State Department figures, from 2009 to 2011, Africans made up about 50% of all DV Green Card Lottery visa recipients. However, the trend is decreasing with some African countries being excluded from the upcoming DV Lottery. Countries such as Nigeria, with a large flow of immigrants to the U.S. in the last few years, is not eligible to participate in the upcoming DV Green Card Lottery program. Central Asians are now the second most admitted group.

Number of DV Visas from Africa 2003-2012. Morocco World News

While some African countries are being disqualified from participating in the DV Green Card Lottery program, the number of Lottery winners from countries such as Morocco is increasing, according to the State Department figures. The table below shows a 35% increase in Moroccan DV Lottery winners in the last five years of the Green Card Lottery program.

Moroccan DV Lottery Winners. Morocco World News

In the last few years, the U.S. DV Green Card Lottery program suffered from some PR issues due to the proliferation of fraudulent entities posing as the U.S. government or intermediary agencies. The scammers trick applicants into sending money to help them in the application process. The U.S. government continuously monitors and issues warnings to inform the public about this kind of fraud, and deter these scammers who prey on individuals wishing to immigrate to the U.S.


The Immigration Act of 1990 established the Diversity Visa (DV) program, where 55,000 immigrant visas became available in an annual lottery, starting in fiscal year 1995. The lottery aimed to diversify the immigrant population coming to the United States by selecting applicants mostly from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States known as diversity countries. The number of immigrants arriving in the U.S. is calculated through mathematical formula by the office of the Attorney General of the United States. Starting in fiscal year 1999, 5,000 visas from the DV program became reserved for use by the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act program, so the number of DV immigrant visas available in the lottery was reduced to 50,000.


There are strict but simple requirements to qualify for the Green Card Lottery visas. If the applicants do not meet the requirements,they should not submit an entry to the DV program as the State Department and the consular offices carefully verifies whether applicants meet all the requirements. To qualify for a visa under this program, an applicant must be native of or chargeable into a diversity country, which is subject to change each year, and have a high school diploma, also known as baccalauréate certificate in certain countries. Alternatively, they must have within five years of the date of application, at least two years of work experience in an eligible occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience.

According to the U.S Embassy in Morocco, “in recent years, a significant number of Moroccan Lottery winners lacked the qualifications which led to their visa’s refusal at the time of the interview.” Adhering to the information publicized by Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) about the educational and professional criteria that applicants must meet to qualify for a Diversity Visa is critical to avoid such a situation.

The embassy also stated that “the determination as to whether an applicant qualifies for the DV occurs during the interview with the consular officer who refers to the Department of Labor's website to determine if an applicant qualifies based on work experience.” The interview, costs a non-refundable $330 processing fee which must be paid by each entrant prior to the interview date. Thus, unqualified applicants could invest a considerable amount of money and time only to be denied the visa. “Therefore, Moroccan citizens, as any other applicants considering the Diversity Visa, are advised to review the qualification criteria information provided by KCC.”

Distribution and Lottery Process

In order to meet the Lottery visa quotas, the State Department notifies more “winners” than the actual number of the allocated Green Card Lottery visas. This over-notification allows for the applicants who drop out during the 18 months process, and those who do not qualify because they lack the minimum eligibility requirements. In the year 2013, there were more than 12.5 Million applications for the DV Green card Lottery submitted through the Department of State’s Electronic Diversity Visa website, of which there were 119,443 Moroccans. Only 2,068 of them actually obtained the Green Card Lottery visa.

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King Mohammed VI Launches and Inaugurates Large-scale projects in Casablanca


King Mohammed VI Launches and Inaugurates Large-scale projects in Casablanca

Casablanca - The city of Casablanca witnessed the birth of new structuring projects launched and inaugurated, on Wednesday, by King Mohammed VI to improve the living conditions of local populations and back the city's urban and demographic development.

The sovereign launched the building works of a super sewer to protect the city against the Bouskoura river's floods and inaugurated the south-west bypass. The two broad-scope projects are worth over MAD 1.1 billion.

Meant to direct the Bouskoura river's floods towards the Atlantic ocean, the "west super sewer" is divided into two sections. The first is a 3-kilometer open conduit which starts at the El Jadida road and it is adapted to the morphology of Bouskoura's bed. Past the conduit and until reaching the super sewer's outlet into the sea, the project consists of an underground tunnel gallery of 5,210 meters (140 m3/s), a filled trench and culverts (1km).

The project which will span three years is funded mainly by the State's general budget, the Fund of fight against natural disasters, local authorities general department at the Interior ministry, Energy ministry, Casablanca's urban commune, and OCP group.

Casablanca's south-west bypass will contribute to decreasing traffic congestion and ameliorating road safety and access to the three existing highways (Casablanca - El Jadida, Casablanca - Marrakech and Casablanca - Rabat). It will also service the west coast' tourist zone and new areas of urbanization.

This project, totaling 253 million dirhams, consists of constructing an express way 2x2 over 8.3 kilometers, and developing two interchanges at the intersection with national road n1 and provincial road n3014, two crossroads at the intersection with regional road 320 and an access road to the Casablanca - El Jadida highway. It also consists of building a road bridge on provincial road n3018 and a hydraulic structure on the Bouskoura river.

The road infrastructure is the fruit of a partnership between the ministry of equipment, the Greater Casablanca region and the urban communeThese projects are in line with the 2015-2020 Greater Casablanca region's development plan which was launched last Friday by the sovereign.

Marrakesh Square Among 10 Best Night Markets in the World



Taroudant, Morocco- Adioso featured Jamaa el Fna square in Marrakesh among the 10 best places around the world for “feasting, shopping and people watching to your heart's delight.”

Ranked third most beautiful square worldwide in a rating made by travel website Lonely Planet last year, the square is featured by the travel-lovers app Adioso as one of the 10 best places for spending a wonderful night in “open-air food stalls, snake charmers and a healthy dose of chaos.”

Djemaa el Fna is a high-touristic square in Marrakesh that draws more than a million visitors who come to attend the lively shows provided by the snake charmers, monkey trainers, storytellers, musicians and other popular artists from early evening until the call for dawn prayer.

Along with folklore activities, the square provides various tasty meals cooked and served in the open air.

The square contains about a hundred food stalls arranged in parallel lines serving a variety of Moroccan cuisine like tagine,roasted meat, kebabs, couscous, soup and other delicious meals that can be eaten at nearby wooden tables on the square for reasonable prices.

Ranked by VirtualTourist.com as the 4th city among “Top Ten Best Street Food Cities,” the quality of food in Jemaa El Fna is guaranteed. The prices are varied according to the dish and its accessories, but overall the prices are affordable and reasonable.

Some food may seem very strange and more exotic fare like sheep’s testicle, escargots, steamed sheep’s head and spicy fried cow or sheep’s brain, but the taste is irresistibly delicious, offering a unique experience.

Founded by the Almoravids, a Moroccan Amazigh dynasty, in 1070-1072, Djemaa El-Fna square is one of Morocco’s most enchanting and diverse places, and one that has attracted tourists from all corners of the world.

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Raja Casablanca Fans Raise Slogans Supporting ISIS


Raja fans

By Youssfi Yassir

Rabat- A video posted  on Facebook and YouTube by fans of the football club Raja of Casablanca contains slogans supporting the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Some Moroccans are calling the video unprecedented, especially because it includes the motto, Allaho Akbar, Ila Al-Jihad(Allah is the greatest, towards Jihad).

 Some Moroccans lacking a clear explanation for this unprecedented event, have called for an investigation by the competent authorities.

 However, some others have said that the video is a product of the hysteria of Raja fans and has nothing to do with the influence of ISIS.

 The video also showed many Raja fans cease using their common slogans and instead change them into the name of ISIS, indicating that they were simply having fun and the video was not intended to support ISIS, which represents a serious threat to the world.

 It is predictable, especially after this incident, that Rajas next matches there will be accompanied by some kind of alarm and investigation.

 On the other side, the Rajawi association condemned what was posted on social networks, claiming that it encourages people to support ISIS.

Noureddine El-Bachichi, the spokesman of Rajawi, told to Alyaom 24 that they condemn all that was shown on the video. He insisted that Rajas real fans do not behave in such way, nor do they use ISIS mottos as encouragements. Real supporters go to the stadiums to support their team, and political slogans are not their concern at all.

George Clooney and Amal Amaluddin Bring Marrakech to the Limelight



Marrakech- Marrakech has become a popular destination for the world’s stars, celebrities, and fashion aficionados.

The pink city has a backdrop of the Atlas Mountains and romantic gardens like the Menara, the Agdal, and the Majorelle, which are hauntingly beautiful with their fountains, olive groves, and pavilions. It is an ideal location for the rich and famous, like George Clooney and Amal Amaluddin, to go on their honeymoon. Marrakech is like the ancient Baghdad of the tales of One Thousand and One Nights with its variety and glamor.

The ancient medina, with its many colors, beautiful artifacts, and winding streets and derbs (alleys), is fascinating, and high fashion areas like Mouassine attract fashion aficionados and interior designers.

The happy couple may choose to stay in the legendary La Mamounia, the Sofitel, or the Royal Mansour. Marrakech is not short on luxury hotels. There are also many riads where guests can enjoy spending the night in the medina and gazing at the stars as the muezzin’s call to prayer mingles with the noise of nearby street life.

The Riad Farnatchi near the Medersa Ben Youssef regularly welcomes celebrities like Russell Crowe, Angelina Jolie, and Scarlett Johansson. The Maison MK is for discerning celebrities looking for secluded luxury, as is Vanessa Branson’s Riad El Fenn just off the Rue Lksour.

Fine restaurants like the Tobsil or Le Foundak in the Medina or El Fassia in Gueliz are famous for their Moroccan cuisine. It’s not surprising that celebrities like Kate Moss, Sienna Miller, Ralph Lauren, and Jean Paul Gaultier visit Marrakech regularly. Many own villas and riads here.

When George Clooney and his bride want some fresh air, they can take a hot air balloon ride or visit the magical Ourika Valley and the Atlas Mountains, or enjoy the glorious mountain scenery around Imlil at the renowned Kasbah Toubkal or further afield in the Draa Valley, Ait Benhaddou, and the Todra and Dades Gorges.

There are few better places for a great honeymoon than Marrakech. Everyone wishes them a wonderful stay and hopes they will come back soon.

List of Best Food You Can Buy for 5 Dirhams in Morocco


Street Food in Marrakech Morocco. Tourism in Morocco

Rabat - Five Dirhams (Moroccan currency) is worth less than a euro or a dollar. In my country, Colombia, it is equivalent to a coin of 200 pesos that can’t even buy a lollipop.

But in the Medinas of Morocco you can have a lot for five Moroccan Dirhams. You can also have breakfast, lunch, dinner and finish with dessert with only 20 Dirhams (2 euros).

The Moroccan street food has a special place in the hearts of all backpackers not only because of its inexpensive price but because every bite is tasty and amazing. The trip this week is through all those fresh flavors that are made daily, the same ones that don’t wait too much time in the windows because who doesn't have a coin of five Dirhams in his/her pocket?

Sfenz [donuts]

Classic fried donuts dipped in white sugar that are crispy on the outside and fluffy inside. They are eaten hot and freshly made at breakfast time for just 1 Dirham.

Sfenz  Classic fried donuts dipped in white sugar that are crispy on the outside and fluffy inside. They are eaten hot and freshly made at breakfast time for just 1 dirham

Khobz [Bread]

Bread replaces the cutlery on the table. For Moroccan gastronomy it is very important because it helps the triangle of the right hand grab the vegetables and meats that come in tagines. These brown, gold and red wheels can be purchased for 1.2 Dirham each.

Bread replaces the cutlery on the table.  For Moroccan gastronomy it is very important because it helps the triangle of the right hand grab the vegetables and meats that come in tagines


On street carts there are prepared tuna, egg, potato and vegetable sandwiches made to order and with the additional ingredients the customer prefers for 5 dirhams. In the north [Asilah, Tangier and Tetouan], there are shops that sell a different kind of sandwiches called Pokadios. Prices may vary [5 to 10 Dirhams] between one place to another.

On street carts there are prepared tuna, egg, potato and vegetable sándwiches made to order and with the additional ingredients the customer prefers for 5 dirhams.


It is a flat bread made from semolina that taste like corn, crusty outside and soft inside. These circles are roasted in large plates and a quarter of one can be bought for 5 Dirhams.

It is a flat bread made from semolina that taste like corn, crusty outside and soft inside.   These circles are roasted in large plates and a quarter of one can be bought for 5 dirhams.

Orange Juice 

One of the main products of Moroccan agriculture is oranges which is why in any city in the entire country you can wake up with a large glass only for 3 Dirhams.

One of the main products of Moroccan agriculture is oranges which is why in any city in the entire country you can wake up with a large glass only for 3 dirhams.


Large sacks filled with pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, apricots, plums and an endless number of dry fruits can be purchased by weight. They are packed into convenient paper cones just to take away and enjoy.

Large sacks filled with pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, apricots, plums and an endless number of dry fruits can be purchased by weight.


Is a squared crepe made of flat portions of dough that are fried in a pan producing a layered bread that is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. There is no Moroccan that hasn’t eaten Msemen at breakfast. For only 5 Dirhams you can have 3 of these.

Is a squared crepe made of flat portions of dough that are fried in a pan producing a layered bread that is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.


Is the most popular moroccan cookie with the shape of a flower, fried, coated with honey, that has a sweet and crunchy taste. During Ramadan there are big bowls full of chebakia because eating them provides a lot of energy to the body. The cost is only 5 Dirhams for 5 pieces of chebakia.

Is the most popular moroccan cookie with the shape of a flower, fried, coated with honey, that has a sweet and crunchy taste.

Snails Soup

Snails are sold on the street on top of carts carrying giant pots. There is a pleasant smell that makes you want to order a warm bowl which costs only 5 Dirhams.

Snails are sold on the street on top of carts carrying giant pots

Moroccan lunchbox

The lunch box of a Moroccan child costs 4 Dirhams. After school all come together to ask in the windows of the small shops for one yogurt and one "kika" (a packaged cupcake).

The lunch box of a Moroccan child costs 4 dirhams. After school all come together to ask in the windows of the small shops for one yogurt and one kika (a packaged cupcake).


 Long hairs made of semolina that are sold wrapped like a turban.

Long hairs made of semolina that are sold wrapped like a turban.


Small triangles filled with chicken, shrimp, turkey, or liver that are fried and sold very quickly because they cost only 1 Dirham and taste amazing.

Small triangles filled with chicken, shrimp, turkey, or liver that are fried and sold very quickly because they cost only 1 dirham and taste amazing.


Falafel panini with tomato, lettuce and olives made in corn tortillas that are heated in furnaces that leave them crunchy for every bite for just 5 Dirhams.

Falafel panini with tomato, lettuce and olives


This are the Moroccan version of hot cakes full of tiny holes that are eaten for breakfast after being dipped in a honey-butter mixture. Get them for one Dírham a piece.

This are the Moroccan version of hot cakes full of tiny holes that are eaten for breakfast after being dipped in a honey-butter mixture. Get them for one dírham apiece.


Morocco is full of small biscuit factories working all day on those little pleasures made mostly of almonds and that melt in the mouth. Depending on the seller, they can give you ten cookies for 5 Dirhams, but never ask for “one” because you would receive one kilo.

Morocco is full of small biscuit factories working all day on those little pleasures made mostly of almonds and that melt in the mouth.

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UNCTC Highlights Morocco’s ‘Innovative, Efficient’ Counter-Terrorism Approach


Counter-Terrorism Committee executive director Jean Paul Laborde

New York - UN under-secretary-General and Counter-Terrorism Committee executive director Jean Paul Laborde highlighted Tuesday in New York Morocco's "innovative and efficient" approach in fighting against terrorism, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI.

Laborde, who was reading the conclusions wrapping up a high-level meeting on "Countering incitement to terrorist acts motivated by extremism or intolerance: Morocco’s approach and experiences of other African states," said: "Thanks to the vision of its Sovereign, Commander of the Faithful," Morocco "has developed a comprehensive, coherent and efficient approach to fight against terrorism".

The meeting was an opportunity "for us to get informed about the innovative approach adopted by a member state, the Kingdom of Morocco, to prevent and counter incitement to terrorist acts motivated by extremism or intolerance," the UN official added, expressing his "deep gratitude" to King Mohammed VI "for his personal support for this initiative."

Morocco’s New Phosphate Projects to Enhance Production and Exports


Morocco's New Phosphate Projects to Enhance Production and Exports

Jorf Lasfar, Morocco - King Mohammed VI inaugurated, on Thursday at the Jorf Lasfar industrial complex, the terminal station of the slurry pipeline linking Khouribga to Jorf Lasfar, the first phosphoric acid plant supplied by phosphate pulp and a center for industrial competences totaling over MAD 5.450 billion.

Initiated by the Sherifian Phosphate Office Group (OCP), these projects mirror the royal will to back the Group's innovative initiatives and industrial development, as well as its ecosystem and African partners in order to.

The Khouribga-Jorf Lasfar slurry pipeline system [MAD 4.5 billion] will revolutionize phosphate transportation and transform the Group's industrial value chain.

38 million tons of phosphate will be transported towards the Jorf Lasfar development units. The chain's integration will double the mine's capacities and ensure flexibility for the production and logistical chain while decreasing the cost of phosphate carried to Jorf Lasfar by 45%.

This process will save nearly 3 million m3 of water yearly due to the preservation of the rock's natural moisture. The slurry pipeline will also impact positively the carbon footprint by cutting CO2 emissions by 930 Kt per year and saving 160,000 tons of fuel oil yearly.

The pipeline terminal station is meant to receive and store the transported phosphate pulp and distribute it afterwards to supply all Jorf Lasfar Hub development units as well as the phosphate filtration/drying unit for exportation.

It is composed of a "shock station" to reduce pulp pressure at the arrival, 8 tanks for pulp storage with a capacity of 5,500 m3 each, and a network to distribute pulp supplying Jorf Lasfar industrial platform. Built over a surface area of 6 hectares, the terminal station totaled around MAD 800 million and generated 530,000 days of work while the project was under way.

The OCP Group also constructed a new phosphoric acid plant supplied by phosphate pulp from the said terminal station.

With an annual capacity of 450,000 tons of phosphoric acid, the plant will increase acid production capacity and ensure a better production flexibility and an amelioration of input.

The new plant, worth 700 million dirhams, is made up of a tank for pulp storage, several units for pulp thickening, a reactor and four digesters, as well as gas cooling and scrubbing units.

The OCP industrial competences center in Jorf Lasfar will offer its collaborators, new recruits and subcontractors training in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and phosphoric processes.

The center, which can receive up to 1200 trainee annually, is equipped with high-tech means (simulators, e-learning, equipped workshops, test beds) and meets international standards in terms of industrial training.

Pension Plan Reform in Morocco: Each Day of Delay Costs 60 Million Dirhams


Government Spokesman Mustapha El Khalfi

Rabat - Each day of delay in the implementation of the pension plan reform costs Morocco 60 million dirhams, Government Spokesman Mustapha El Khalfi said Thursday.

As of this year, civil pension funds will suffer from deficit, which will reach, next year, 3 billion dirhams, then 125 billion dirhams by 2021, which means that each day of delay in the implementation of the pension plan reform costs the country 60 million dirhams, the minister said at a press briefing following the weekly cabinet meeting.

This situation is due to the fact that Morocco has moved from 12 affiliates per retiree in 1983 to three affiliates per retiree today, El Khalfi said, adding that the persistence of this situation, in the absence a reform plan, will make the government unable to allocate pensions according to current standards.

Today, the reform of the pension system in a participatory, collective, progressive and solidarity-based approach is an inevitable option, the minister said, adding that the government will work to develop, by the end of the year, a vision of reform based on the results of dialogue with the unions.

Reading between the lines of King Mohammed VI’s Speech at the UN


King Mohammed VI addressing the United Nations

New York- The Moroccan people and international observers were somehow taken aback by the tone of King Mohammed VI’s speech at the general debate of the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which was read out by Abdelilah Benkirane, head of the Moroccan government.

The speech was unprecedented in its denunciation of the deleterious effect of colonialism on developing countries, especially in Africa whose riches were squandered and exploited for several decades, but for also sowing the seeds of division, strife and discord between neighboring countries.

In addition to criticizing the ready-made solutions prescribed by the West for addressing the many social and economic problem facing developing countries, which in many cases have failed to deliver their desired results, King Mohammed VI pointed out that the divisions caused by colonialism among neighboring countries are among the main hindrances towards the achievement of sustainable development in the African continent or in a country such as Morocco.

He also slammed Western countries' lip service paid to the suffering of African countries and their tendency to impose on them harsh conditions in order to obtain financial aid, while pointing out the West’s disregard of the path chosen by developing countries to achieve democracy.

Many considered the speech as an attempt by the King to project an image of himself as a champion for Africa, especially considering that the speech comes after the efforts he has been making in recent years to give Morocco its due place in African politics, through his repeated official visits to some African countries and his personal involvement in the Malian crisis.

It is clear that, through his speech, the Moroccan king sought to play a leadership role in Africa, which is consistent with the traditional role Morocco has played throughout history in the continent both at the economic level, being a centerpiece in the caravan routes between Africa and the rest of the world, or at the religious level, since Morocco played a pivotal role in the spread of Islam in several countries. At the political level, Morocco was among the founding fathers of the African Union, formerly known as the Organization of the African Unity, which it left in 1984.

Aftermaths of Colonialism on Morocco’s Development

That being said, one of the key messages included in this speech is that Western countries cannot be true to the principles they preach to countries such as Morocco if they do not acknowledge and take responsibility for their colonial past and admit that the territorial and ethnical divisions caused by colonial powers are the main obstacles to the achievement of development, stability and security in these countries.

In the case of Morocco for instance (and this was in my opinion a key message in the King’s speech), sustainable development and security cannot be achieved in a country while it is still suffering from the pernicious consequences of colonialism.

Being one of the few countries whose territorial integrity was torn apart during the colonial period, Morocco is still suffering the aftereffects of colonialism. The situation of the ‘Western Sahara’ is a case in point. This conflict does not only limit the ability of Morocco to play a major diplomatic role at the regional and international levels, but it also constitutes one of the main hindrances towards its achievement of sustainable development, economic growth, job creation and prosperity.

For several reasons, this conflict, which has been stagnant for almost four decades, has had a deleterious effect on the development of the Moroccan economy. For the past 40 years, the Moroccan government has had to battle on many diplomatic fronts in order to defend its sovereignty over the ‘Western Sahara.’ These efforts involve not only the expenses Morocco pays to cover the participation of its diplomatic personnel on different fora that deal with this issue, but also lobbying firms and public relations companies in several key Western countries in order to gain the support of their governments and elected officials, and to counterbalance the propaganda spread by the Polisario and Algeria.

If we assume that in the past 40 years, Morocco spent as little as $10 million dollars every year to cover these expenses, this would amount to $400 million. But far more importantly, the ‘Western Sahara’ conflict cost Morocco a long war against the Polisario from 1976 until 1991. In addition to the security situation in the region and the instability caused by the threat posed by the Polisario front, Morocco has been forced to install the bulk of its army in the territory.

Arms Race Between Algeria and Morocco

As a result, an arms race ensued between Morocco and Algeria. A report issued last March by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) showed that Algeria and Morocco are Africa’s top arms importers. The report added that Algeria and Morocco import respectively 36% and 22% of African imports, with Russia and France being respectively Algeria’s and Morocco's main arms suppliers.

This arms race has been a strain on both countries' economies, and in the case of Morocco, has forced the government to sacrifice some more vital and job-generating sectors in order to keep up with Algeria’s arms purchases. The money that could be invested in education, in improving the country’s infrastructure, in building hospitals and factories, goes to buying weapons that, most likely, will not be used.

The main beneficiaries of this arms race are Western countries, in addition to Russia and China, whose arms industries thrive on the back of developing countries such as Morocco. While these arms purchases boost job creation and exports in exporter countries, it deepens the trade deficit of importer countries and deprives them of the needed financial resources to lay the foundations for job creation and sound economic development.

Because of the arms race between Morocco and Algeria, Morocco's military absorbs about 10% of the government’s budget. The Ministry of Defense is often among the three top Ministries in terms of overall budget appropriations, along with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Interior. For instance, in 2013 the budget allocated to the military represented 12% of the government’s total budget. One can imagine the number of schools, hospitals or factories that could have been built in Morocco with the resulting effect on job creation and the absorption of unemployment.

In general, the reintegration of Western Sahara under Morocco’s de facto sovereignty since 1975 has sucked untold funds from Morocco's economy. If we assume it has been spending an extra $2 billion per year to buy more weapons and to secure the territory against the Polisario threat, this amounts to $78 billion, more than 5 times Morocco’s external public debt, which stands at about $14 billion.

One can argue that this amount of money would have been sufficient to help the country pay out all its external debt and invest the remaining cash in structural and development projects, with the positive impact that these investments could have on employment, stability and social peace.

In this scenario, Morocco would not have been forced to borrow money from international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and, thus, would have avoided the burdensome conditions imposed by these institutions, which have had a negative effect on the country’s economy and social stability.

The impact of the No-Maghreb on Economic Development

Furthermore, the lingering conflict over the ‘Western Sahara’ constitutes the major impediment to the realization of the Maghreb Arab Union, which was established in Marrakech in 1989 but never materialized into a real union.

While others parts of the world witnessed the establishment of regional blocks, such as in Southeast Asia with the ASEAN, and South America with the MERCOSUR, the Maghreb is one of the few regions whose economies are still not integrated. All the ingredients for a successful Maghreb Union are present, from a shared history, language and religion between the people of the region to the complementarity of their economies. In addition, the countries of the region share the same challenges, which consist of a growing population and high rates of unemployment among the youth.

Not only there is no economic integration between the economies of the five countries of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania), but the borders between its two major players, Morocco and Algeria, have been closed since 1994.

According to a number of reports published in recent years about the cost of the “No-Maghreb,” the absence of a real and functioning Maghreb Union costs the countries of the region between 2 and 5 per cent of GDP per year. According to the World Bank, the economic integration between the Maghreb countries could result in an increase in GDP between 2005-2015 of 34% for Algeria, 27% for Morocco and 24% for Tunisia.

Another report published by the World Bank in 2012, showed that trade among the countries of the European Union reached 63.6% of the region’s total trade, and among the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations trade reached 24% of that region's total trade, but in the case of the Maghreb, that rate did not exceed 3%.

The existence of a real Maghreb Union would create a strong block of 90 million people, reinforce political stability in the region and the economic competitiveness of its countries. This would turn the region into an attractive destination for foreign and domestic investors and help the five countries of the Maghreb cope with challenge of unemployment.

But while the peoples of the region yearn for seeing one day the dream of the Great Maghreb materialize, this goal remains unattainable as long as the question of the ‘Western Sahara’ has not been settled. This goal, along with the goal of sustainable development in the region, remain wishful thinking as long as the international community is not serious about finding a political settlement to this territorial dispute, that would respect the interest of both Morocco and the Saharawi population.

It is time the international community admitted that sustainable development cannot be achieved while some developing countries such as Morocco are still struggling to preserve their territorial integrity, suffering from the aftermaths of colonialism and devoting a huge chunk of their budget to secure this goal.

As the United Nations is making sustainable development its main goal for the nearly two decades to come, there is a need to identify the real impediments that prevent some countries from achieving this goal. And one of these impediments are the aftermaths of colonialism, which left many unresolved territorial disputes, such as ‘Western Sahara.’

Sustainable development and economic growth will certainly not be achieved by means of the credit provided by financial institutions, but through allocating budget resources of these countries to job-generating sectors, which can contribute to economic growth.

It is time the United Nations turned from a machine that churns out countless ineffective resolutions that ultimately have little effect, if any, on the ground, to an effective organization that provides innovative solutions that take into account the changing realities of the 21st century. The international community cannot keep trying to find solutions to 21st century conflicts with ready-made recipes that were conceived in the mid-20th century. The world and mentalities of the 21st century have changed, and the United Nations has to adapt to this reality.

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Foreign Movies Shot in Morocco Generate $100 Million in 2014


Tom Hanks in Morocco

Rabat- The film industry in Morocco has, thus far, generated $100 million this year, four times more than the first nine months of 2013.

According to figures from the Moroccan Cinema Centre, investments in foreign films increased by 420% in the first nine months of 2014 compared to the same period in 2013.

"Right now, with the present global situation, providing security is very important and Morocco is aware of it," said Abderrazak Zitouni, head of Ouarzazate Film Commission.

Highly acclaimed by Hollywood producers, Morocco is one of the most popular filming destinations and home to many successful international films. The most recent movie filmed in Morocco is the American film “Son of God,” produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, released in February 2014.

In addition to the professional cinema centers like Oscar in Ouarzazate, Morocco started offering public scenes such as neighborhoods and highways for filming.

Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise and his crew are in Morocco to shoot scenes of the fifth installment of the “Mission Impossible” series.

The filming of some scenes of “Mission Impossible 5” took place in the cities of Rabat, Casablanca, and the highway bypass section of Marrakech-Agadir.

Karim Bellarabi Turns His Back to Morocco, Likely to Play for Germany


Bayer Leverkusen winger Karim Bellarabi

Rabat- In a scenario similar to that of Barcelona’s strikers Mounir Haddadi, it seems that Morocco is on its way to lose another great player.

According to German newspaper, DW, Morocco-German player Karim Ballarabi was called up by German coach Joachim Low, to play with Mannschaft in its two upcoming matches against Poland and Ireland on 11 and 14 October.

"Karim Bellarabi has earned his chance at his club with some excellent performances," Joachim Löw was quoted by DW as saying. "He is incredibly strong in one-on-one situations and is an excellent alternative in our campaign," he added.

During a meeting with Moroccan coach Bado Zaki, Bayer Leverkusen winger Karim Bellarabi, who was born to a German mother and a Moroccan father, agreed to defend the colors of the national team.

Following that meeting, Zaki included Bellarabi in the list of players called up for the friendly matches the Atlas Lions are expected to play in October against Kenya and the Republic of Central Africa. But the players hesitated to confirm his decision to play for Morocco and asked the Moroccan coach to give him some time in order to make a final decision.

But with the German coach decision to call up Bellarabi for its upcoming matches, the striker is put in the same delicate situation as Mounir Haddadi last month when he was called up by the Spanish coach Vicente Del Bosque to play with the Spanish team.

In the likely scenario Bellarabi decides to play for Germany, it will be the second great player Morocco loses in less than a month.

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2 Million Muslims Flock to Arafat on ‘Day of Arafat’


Muslim pilgrims gather on Mount Arafat near Mecca as they perform one of the Hajj rituals (AFP Photo:Mohammed al-Shaikh)

Rabat - More than two million prospective Hadjis who poured out of the Muslim holy city of Mecca to begin the annual Hajj, have flocked Arafat for the Waqfa Prayer.

Mount Arafat is a granite hill in east of Mecca. It is also known as the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah).

The hill is the place where the Islamic prophet Muhammad stood and delivered the Farewell Sermon to the Muslims who had accompanied him for the Hajj towards the end of his life. It reaches about 70 m in height.

According to Islamic tradition, it was on Mount Arafah that prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) delivered his last speech. The pilgrims will spend the whole day on Arafah supplicating to Allah to forgive their sins and praying for personal strength in the future. They also collect stones for the stoning of Satan.

Arafah rituals end at sunset and pilgrims then move to Muzdalifah for shortened Maghrib Prayer and Isha prayers and for a short rest.

Morocco’s Minister Mbarka Bouaïda Must Speak on Catalan Independence Referendum


Morocco’s Minister Mbarka Bouaïda Must Speak on Catalan Independence Referendum

Washington, DC — As the debate over the future of Catalonia rages on in Spain, the rest of the world is standing idle letting a serious constitutional predicament escalates into a European crisis. If Europe choses to play down the significance of the situation in Barcelona, Morocco, notwithstanding it is not a European nation, should be engaged and involved in the debate over the independence of Catalonia. 

Madrid’s long term support of Sahrawis calling for a referendum in the Western Sahara is a ground for a Moroccan involvement in the Catalan quandary. In fact, Morocco has the best candidate to convey its views, impressions and reminders about Madrid past and present positions on the Western Sahara versus the Government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy handling of Catalan effort to hold a referendum for self-determination.

Ms. Mbarka Bouaïda, the Moroccan Deputy Foreign Minister, should be the face and the mouth of Rabat’s drive into the Catalan debate. The young, telegenic and articulate Moroccan diplomat is fluent in Spanish and familiar with her northern neighbors’ politics.

Ms. Bouaïda, who is originally from the Sahara, must focus on Spain’s hypocritical positions on the Western Sahara conflict. Mr. Rajoy can’t present the Catalan question as an internal matter when his country has been closely involved in the Western Sahara conflict that Morocco views a domestic issue.

Ms. Bouaïda must advise the groups of Spanish parliamentarians who keep surfacing in the Moroccan controlled Sahara to champion the local independence movement to stay home and support the Catalans.

For Spain’s ruling elites, on the Right and the Left, Catalan plebiscite on independence is unconstitutional. For Rajoy and his Government all Spaniards must vote on a secession referendum and thus the government in Barcelona had no right to take such a unilateral step. As such, Ms. Mbarka Bouaïda should emphasize the “similarities” between the Moroccan and Spanish definitions of a self-determination vote.

Morocco’s responses to Spain’s previous calls for a referendum in the Western Sahara have been uneven and flawed. Moroccans hope to see the young Moroccan diplomat rectify this unacceptable lapse. The crisis in Catalonia is the perfect occasion for Ms. Bouaïda to ask Madrid to clarify its positions on the conflict in North Africa which have been unclear, and sometimes contradictory.

Ms. Bouaida should remind the Spanish political parties who have been overly, and sometimes covertly, supporting Algeria’s efforts to deny Morocco’s historic right to govern the Moroccan Sahara, that Rabat is in position to throw its support behind the Catalan independence.

In fact, it was the late King Hassan II of Morocco who used the Catalan card to startle Spain’s political establishment. King Hassan’s 1994 invitation and reception of the then Catalan leader Jordi Pujol as a head of state sent Spain into a rage and panic. The late King threw the red carpet for Mr. Pujol and  it may be time for King Mohammed VI to do the same for Catalan regional President Artur Mas.

A King Mohammed invitation for Mr. Mas to visit Morocco can’t be viewed as a provocation since Spain hosts the Polisario separatists and offer refuge and support to their cause.

If the pro-Polisario (An Algerian backed separatist group calling for an independent Western Sahara) lobby in Spain accuses Morocco of colonizing the Western Sahara, Moroccans charge that modern day Spain was born with an annexed Catalan and Basque countries.

It is duplicitous for the Polisario supporters to claim that the only solution to the Sahara dossier is through a referendum then deny the Catalans and the Basques the right to vote on their futures. Furthermore, the same Spanish media that has been criticizing Morocco for refusing to hold a referendum for the Sahara is defending Madrid’s decision to deny Barcelona the right to vote.

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Morocco Tops Africa’s most visited countries


morocco hassan

Taroudant, Morocco - Morocco comes on the top of the Africa’s most visited countries last year, according to the rankings announced this week by the World Tourism Organization.

With 55.7 million international tourists’ arrivals to Africa in the past year, Morocco comes in the first rankamong the top five African countries that received most of  tourists followed by South Africa, Tunisia, Algeria and Mozambique.

With about 10million tourist arrivals in 2013 -an increase of 6% compared to 2012-  Morocco, is determined to achieve the "Vision 2020" strategy which aimed to double the number of tourists.

South Africa comes second with 9.5 million tourist arrivals last year. Tunisia, Algeria and Mozambique received 6.2 million, 2.7 million and 2.1 million respectively.

The tourism sector in the kingdom has generated 174 billion dirhams of foreign exchange earnings and a turnover of over 310 billion dirhams, according to Lahcen Haddad, the Moroccan Minister of Tourism.

At the opening of the 11th Tourism Conference last week in Rabat, the minister said “the government confirms its commitment to making the tourism industry a real development lever and a source for wealth and employment for the benefit of youth.”

During the regional gala of the World Travel Awards held on August in Athens, Lahcen Hadad, said  that, with its political stability, its rich history and the unique diversity of its landscapes,  Morocco is determined to join the club of the world’s top 20 tourism destinations by 2020.

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King Mohammed VI Launches, Inaugurates Important Social Projects in Casablanca


king of morocco

Casablanca  - King Mohammed VI launched and inaugurated, on Friday in Casablanca, major social projects meant to develop youth's sports and cultural capacities, slash delinquency and school dropout rate, safeguard collective memory and reinforce medical and social offer.
These projects are worth 40 million dirhams and are in line with HM the King's efforts to foster community-based policy, strengthen social projects, promote a comprehensive and sustainable human development and reinforce basic infrastructure in the city.
 The King launched in the Ben M'Sik prefecture the building works of an Indoors Semi-Olympic Swimming Pool (16.5 mln MAD), a Drama Training Center (2.8 mln MAD), a War Veterans Cultural and Museum Center (1.6 mln MAD) and a Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Treatment Center (3.61 mln MAD) at the Errahma II neighborhood in the Dar Bouazza urban commune.
 The sovereign also inaugurated in Ben M'Sik the "Shabab" Park after its redevelopment totaling 15.4 mln dirhams.
 The indoors swimming pool will be built over a surface area of 13,500 m2 within a period of 18 months. It will include mainly a semi-olympic pool, terraces, changing-rooms, a reception area and a management office.
 This project is the fruit of a partnership between the national initiative for human development (INDH), the ministry of youth and sports, the council of the greater Casablanca region and Casablanca urban commune.
 As for the Drama Training Center, it will help the beneficiaries develop their creativity and imagination, and acquire pedagogical and communication means to integrate the job market.
 The 900-m2 facility will span eight months under a partnership between the INDH, the council of the greater Casablanca region and Casablanca urban commune.
 The War Veterans Cultural and Museum Center will house objects, scale models and posters as a testimony of resistance movements during colonial era. The 550-m2 center will open its doors to the public in 8 months. It is undertaken by the INDH, the council of the greater Casablanca region and Casablanca urban commune.
 Concerning the Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Treatment Center, it will stretch over 400 square meters and will be carried out by the health ministry in partnership with Dar Bouazza. It is aimed at reinforcing and diversifying the city's medical services.
 As for the "Shabab" Park, it is meant to enhance the city's attractiveness, improve local population's lifestyle and protect the environment. It will offer the citizens an area for relaxation and spare-time activities.
 The 5-hectare park hosts five mini football fields with artificial turf, a kids pedagogical garden, playgrounds, a fitness area and a hiking circuit. It was carried out as part of the INDH in partnership with the youth and sports ministry, the council of the greater Casablanca region, Casablanca urban commune and Casablanca prefectural council.

Moroccan Pleads Guilty for Sexually Abusing American Woman on RAM Flight


Royal Air Maroc

New York: Thami Drissi, a Moroccan engineer, pleaded guilty for sexually abusing an American woman while traveling on a Casablanca-New York flight last August.

According to the New York based Daily News, the defendant admitted before Brooklyn Federal Court that he had sexual contact with the victim without her consent. He faces up to one year in jail and registration as sex offender.

The 45-year old was arrested last August in New York JFK airport for sexually abusing an American woman.

The victim of sexual abuse claimed that the man had placed his hands under her blouse on her breast and attempted to place his hands inside the front of her pants, according to a complaint filed in Brooklyn Federal Court.

The engineer initially denied the accusation and said that he touched the woman only to move her head when she nodded off on his shoulder.

He is married and father of two children.

Sweden to Be Fourth EU Member to Recognize State of Palestine


Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven smiles as he stands with his new government during a news conference in Stockholm

New York- The Center-left Swedish government said on Friday that it will recognize the State of Palestine to become the fourth European Union country to have done so after Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

The Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Lofven, announced earlier Friday his government’s intention to recognize the State of Palestine and pointed out that that the two-state solution is the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution," he was quoted by BBC as saying during his inaugural address in parliament.

"A two-state solution requires mutual recognition and a will to peaceful co-existence. Sweden will therefore recognize the state of Palestine,” he added.

On November 29, 2012, the United Nation General voted overwhelmingly to accord the State of Palestine non-member observer state at the United Nations. 138 countries voted in favor, 9 countries voted against (Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Panama, Palau, United States)and 41 countries abstained.

Although most EU members voted in favor of the resolution that upgraded the Palestinian status at the UN, they still did not recognize the Palestinian, as they believe that a Palestinian state can only be established through negotiations with Israel.

With this move, Sweden becomes the first major EU member to recognize the State of Palestine while being a member of the EU. Slovakia, Poland and Hungary did so before joining the EU.

ISIS Claims Beheading of British Hostage

Rabat- The so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) released a video on Friday in it which it claims that it has beheaded a second British man, Alan Hanning, who had been held hostage in Syria since his abduction by the terrorist group last December. The execution of Alan Henning comes three weeks after […]
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